Per urgenze: +39 348 441 9680 (Avv. Matteo De Meo)
Tel. +39 0444 324497 - Fax +39 0444 528826 -
Studio Legale Associato - Avvocati De Meo
Studio Legale Associato - Avvocati De Meo


  • 04.03.2017
    Astensione dell'avvocatura dal 20 al 24 marzo 2017

  • 17.10.2015
    Comunicato Giunta Unione Camere Penali Italiane sul processo Mafia Cap ...more

  • 17.10.2015
    In ricordo dell'Avv. Paolo De Meo

  • 20.09.2015
    Pubblicato in G.U. il D.M. n. 144 del 12.08.2015 - Regolamento della s ...more

  • 18.08.2015
    Illegittimità Costituzionale della recidiva obbligatoria - art. 99 co ...more

  • 21.02.2015
    Il Consiglio dei Ministri approva il disegno di legge sulla concorrenz ...more

  • 08.12.2014
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  • 07.12.2014
    Corte Costituzionale 4.11.2014 (depositata 5.12.2014) n.° 273: sulla ...more

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Studio Legale Associato
Avvocati DE MEO

via Generale Antonio Chinotto n.°24,
36100 Vicenza

Tel. +39 0444 324497
Fax. +39 0444 528826

Per urgenze:
+39 348 441 9680 (Avv. Matteo De Meo)

Orario di segreteria:
Lunedì / Venerdì, 8.15/12.45; 15.30/19.00


Since 1964 in defense of personal rights

The office was founded by the attorney Paolo De Meo, who began his career on the Bar of Foggia, then moved to Vicenza in 1965. The office has always been active in the sector of criminal law, protecting the rights of people even in particularly difficult times of great social tension, as at the end of the Sixties and in the Seventies. Many young lawyers interned at the office and then continued their activity with brilliant independent careers.

In 2001 the office established an associated firm the partners of which were the attorneys Paolo, Matteo and Stefania De Meo. The emphasis is on professional training, and updates are continuous: this is achieved with participation in conferences, seminars, workshops, courses and master programs in Italy and abroad, and with participation in forensic associations at the international level (European Criminal Bar Association), associations in which professionals can compare notes and discuss cases.

Since 19 September 2014, when the attorney Paolo, the founder, guiding star and soul of the Law Firm, passed away, the activity has been carried on by the attorneys Matteo and Stefania De Meo.

Since October 2016, after brilliantly passing the examination qualifying her for practice, the lawyer Margherita Melison has been working with the Law Firm.